How do I give VIP to other MovieStars?

If you purchase a Diamond TopUp or 1 year VIP, you will get a free 1 week VIP voucher to give to a friend.

So how do you go about sharing the VIP goodness with another MovieStar? Here we will show you the steps to take on the website - scroll down to see how to give VIP on the MovieStarPlanet app.


Once you have completed the purchase of the Diamond TopUp or VIP and you see the pop-up containing your newly acquired unique items, you will notice something new - the VIP voucher.


Important: The VIP voucher is not a Gift Certificate that will be sent to your email.

It is an item in the game just like any other item you can give away.


You don’t have to be friends with the MovieStar you want to give a VIP gift. You can give the gift from anywhere in the game by clicking on their user. If you are friends with the movie star, you can also do it from your friends list.

Click on their profile, then click on “Give Gift” and navigate to the tab "VIP Gifts"




To view VIP gifts you have received, click on “My Profile”, then “Gifts”. Click on VIP Gifts on the page to the right.



Here you only see VIP vouchers that you have received from other players. 


Now you see three options:

  • Claim - Activate your new VIP right away.
  • Send Back - Return the VIP voucher to the user who sent it.
  • Keep - do nothing for now. The VIP will not be activated, meaning you can activate it at a later date, or send it back if you want to.


However, once you claim the VIP you cannot send the voucher back or undo this action.

Congratulations! You have claimed your VIP and will now be able to enjoy the amazing VIP membership benefits for a full week.


If you are playing on the MovieStarPlanet app and you have purchased the Diamond TopUp or 1 year VIP, please choose the friend that you want to give VIP to:

Tap on their name to go to their Profile. Then all you need to do is to tap “Give Gift”:



On the app, you will find your VIP voucher under “VIP Gifts”, top right - and voila! 


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