You need to install the MovieStarPlanet app to play MovieStarPlanet on a smartphone or tablet. You can find it in your App Store or Google Play Store.
Are you having problems installing the MovieStarPlanet app?
Please remember that not all smartphones and tablets support the MovieStarPlanet app. If you cannot download and install the app, then your device unfortunately does not support it.
Are you having problems updating the MovieStarPlanet app?
Try the following steps:
- Delete the MovieStarPlanet app from your smartphone or tablet - don’t worry, your account will be safe and sound once you log back in.
- If needed, update your device to the latest version of iOS or Android
- Install the MovieStarPlanet app again
Please also make sure that you are using a device that can run the app smoothly. When the game is busy, older devices may not be able to keep up.