What is Design Studio?

Do you like fashion? Do you dream of becoming a trendsetter? Do you enjoy creating new outfits? If so, you must visit our Design Studio.

Design Studio is like an art workshop for fashion designers. You access it from MovieTown by clicking on “Design Studio”:

To start creating your own unique clothes, click on the “Design Clothes” button with the white shirt:

You will find lots of different options to create your own unique design. You can change colour and pattern, add cool decorations and even rotate them and change their size.

And, of course, you can buy your own designs and wear them.

Once you are ready to save your design, click on the blue button in the bottom right corner:  to name your new design and save it.

If you want to wear it, click on your new design and buy it by clicking on the pink “Buy” button.

Now you can wear the clothes that you created, and other movie stars can buy your clothes directly from the Design Studio gallery. Just don’t forget to create several copies, so they can be sold to many movie stars. This way you can become a renowned fashion designer. Isn’t that awesome?

You can buy other players’ designs by going to the “Top” tab with the yellow star and click the pink “Buy” button. This is also where you can get inspired and see what movie stars wear these days.

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