How do I create a user?

I want to join MovieStarPlanet. Where do I begin?

Welcome to the world of Fame and Fortune!

In order to begin the wonderful adventure of MovieStarPlanet, you first need an account. If you are playing on a computer, all you need to do is click “PLAY NOW” on the front page. If you are playing on a mobile device, tap “NEW USER”.





You then select a boy or a girl character and dress up your new movie star. You can also click on the “random” button, then the game will randomly select clothes for you. Don’t worry, you will be able to change those clothes later while playing.




Once you are happy with your movie star, click “OK”. You now have to choose a username and password.



Please choose your username wisely. You will NOT be able to change it later. For security reasons, the username should not contain any personal information, such as your real name, your city or birth date. The same rules apply for your password. Click here to learn how to create a strong and safe password.

Your password is like the key to your house! Only yourself and your parents should have access to it


Where can I go with my user?

Your new account will give you access to all of our planets:


Just use the same username and password when you want to connect to another game. 


Agreement / Terms and Conditions

Please remember that the rules of MovieStarPlanet apply to all users: VIP or not, high or low level. We encourage you to read them before you create your account. You find them here.

We want MovieStarPlanet to be a safe place on the internet where you can meet your friends and have fun. By respecting the rules, you are making the world of MovieStarPlanet an awesome place to be: for you and for your friends!

Please note that if you do not respect the rules, we may block your access to the game, so be nice and friendly and enjoy this new adventure to the fullest.

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