An ArtBook is like a sticker book or a collage. The sky is the limit, and you can add text, photos, shapes, YouTube videos, items and other movie stars to your ArtBooks.
It is a fun and creative way to express yourself, boost your creativity and communicate with your friends.
You find the “ArtBooks” area in MovieTown:
Creating ArtBooks is not difficult. Let us show you.
To create a new ArtBook, please click the paintbrush:
Here are some of the tools you can use:
To see all options, use the pink “up” and “down” buttons.
Try to explore all categories to see how many different things you can add to your ArtBook. If you are in a category and want to go back to the overview, just press the blue “back” button:
Your ArtBook can be about pretty much anything. You can surprise your friends with an invitation to a party, create a happy birthday card for someone you care about or create an amazing collage of your friends or the clothes you like. We are sure it will be awesome.
When your ArtBook is finished, you can chose to save it as a private or public:
If you save it as public, everyone on MovieStarPlanet can see it.
If you save it as private, only you will be able to see it.
Do not forget that you can edit your ArtBook at any time. Only ArtBooks that you submit to the Weekly Competition cannot be edited after submission.
Playing on the MovieStarPlanet App? You can also create amazing ArtBooks here!
First, go to Movie Town, and then tab ArtBook:
To create a new ArtBook, please click the paintbrush:
And don’t forget that all ArtBooks can be shared with anyone you want. You can share your ArtBook by:
Downloading it and showing it to your friends outside MovieStarPlanet
Sharing it with your MovieStarPlanet friends
While playing on a mobile device, you also have the possibility to share ArtBooks directly on social media
See a tutorial of how to make an ArtBook: