What is the Forum?

The Forum is the place where you share your thoughts, ideas, stories, and anything else you may have on your mind with other movie stars.

You find the Forum here:

The MovieStarPlanet Forum is currently only on the MovieStarPlanet website, not the MovieStarPlanet app, so you can only access it while playing on a computer.

MovieStarPlanet will use the Forum to inform about new features or competitions, so it is a good idea to keep an eye on what is happening in the Forum. Posts from MovieStarPlanet have this icon:

All posts must follow the MovieStarPlanet rules. Please find the rules here.

You must be level 6 or a VIP member of any level to create your own post or write comments in the Forum. You also need to connect an e-mail address with your account. For safety reasons, we strongly encourage you to have an e-mail address tied to your account even if you rarely post in the Forum.

Now that you are ready to post in the Forum, you can create a post by clicking on the icon below. Then you will be ready to share your thoughts with other movie stars.

Do not forget that you can add emoticons or select a font color (VIP members only) to make your posts unique and super stylish.


Each of your posts belong to a category. Not sure which one to use? You can choose any category you like. Please note that the VIP category is only accessible for VIP members.

If you are looking for the newest Forum, click ‘Top’.
If you want to find your own Forum posts, click ‘Mine’.
To see what your friends are doing in the Forum, click ‘Friends’!

How to report Forum content?

Have you seen something in the Forum that was against our Rules? Please take a moment to report this so our moderators can review it. Reporting is easy! All you need to do is click on the yellow triangle on the right side of a post:

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