How to cancel a subscription:
How you do this depends on which payment method you're using. Below you’ll find the relevant information to each option.
Credit card - any type.
To cancel a VIP subscription purchased on the web with a credit card, you will have to log in to the MovieStarPlanet 2 account with the subscription. Then, click on Settings, then My Account and finally My VIP.
If you cannot access the account, or you have other questions related to the account please see this article.
To cancel a VIP subscription purchased on an Apple device, you have to login to the Apple account (Apple ID) which was used for purchasing the subscription. Then follow this guide.
Google Play:
To cancel a VIP subscription purchase on an Android device, you have to login to the Google Play account which was used for purchasing the subscription. Then follow this guide.
If you do not have access to the Apple/Google account, please contact their respective support channels.