What is a Guest account?

In MovieStarPlanet2, we have made something new: a “Guest” account. All newly-made accounts will be prompted to either register or stay as a Guest.


To learn more about signing up, click here


What can I do with a Guest account? 

A Guest account lets you check out the cool features without having to come up with a password. You can create as many Guest accounts as you want.


A Guest account can:

check_1_.pngVisit the clothing shop

check_1_.pngExplore the game’s features, with limited participation

check_1_.pngEarn/spend StarCoins


A Guest cannot:

lock_2.pngChat with other movie stars

lock_2.pngAdd friends

lock_2.pngKeep the StarCoins they earn on that account the next time they play

lock_2.pngKeep the username they made

lock_2.pngPurchase VIP

lock_2.pngAccess that Guest account again once they log out/close the game


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