How do I keep my account safe?

We understand that your account is precious to you, and we want to make sure that no one takes it from you. If you lost access to your account and need help, please go to this article.

Before we move on, we want to introduce you to the two easiest and quickest steps you can take to safeguard your account:

  1. Choose a good password. Passwords like “pass123” or “mypassword123” are considered unsafe passwords because they’re extremely common and easy to guess. Your password should consist of a mix of numbers and letters and not resemble your username. If you think someone might know your password, you should change it right away.
  2. Check that you have an email tied to your account. Note that you need to click on the link you receive from us in your inbox to finalize the process. When you’re done, you can always reset your password via the ‘forgot password’ button on the front page.

Maybe you already knew this 😉 but now that we’ve covered the basics, we will go over the other things to look out for.


Have you heard the phrase “if something seems too good to be true, it probably is”?



Websites found outside MovieStarPlanet that promise free VIP or StarCoins, Diamonds or clothes never work! All they do is save your password so someone can access your account. This type of scam is commonly known as “password phishing” and is against the MovieStarPlanet 2 rules.


No matter how tempting it may be, you should never write your password anywhere but on MovieStarPlanet and never enter an email address that you do not own and have access to.


The same applies to email addresses that promise to give you VIP if you connect them with your account: No email address can give you VIP or any other items. 

Please also remember that accepting an account offered by another user may lead to losing your own account.


Never participate in any form of password exchange, no matter the reason. Please remember that if you choose to do so, you put your own account at risk, and we may not be able to recover it for you.


As long as you keep your password, email address and personal information secret, nothing will happen to your account and you will be able to enjoy the game with your friends for as long as you like.


Let’s summarize:

  • Your password should remain a secret; only you and your parents/legal guardian should know it.
  • The password you choose should be complicated enough so no one can guess it (click here to learn about how to create a safe password).
  • You may lose your account by accepting a “free” account from another user. A give-away account may be a trap!
  • You should add a secure email to the account/s you play on.
  • Some users may ask you to change your email address. But you must always keep your email address secret, and if you do need to change it, please do so with the help of a parent/legal guardian or an older sibling.
  • Don’t share accounts, even with close friends.

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