Let’s go shopping!
Click this icon on the bottom right-hand side to check out the Clothing Shop!
Navigating the shop:
There are two main categories - Clothes, and Beauty.
Below these, there are several more categories to browse at your leisure.
Not looking for anything specific? Click on the icon highlighted below to browse all items available from newest to oldest.
Try before you buy:
When you've found the item you wish to purchase, you can pick the color you want.
Most items can be colored in multiple different ways. By choosing the individual colors as shown below, you will see which part of it changes color accordingly.
You can choose the color when clicking the item you want. You can also change the color once it's in your basket, even if after you've been trying on other items. To go to your basket, simply click somewhere on the background.
If you've changed your mind and want to remove an item, click on the X button.
Once you've happy with your selection, go ahead and click Buy All!