Who is Blix & Blox?

Have you met Blix & Blox?

Blix.png Meet Blix! You can find her in the Nexus, standing by the gate of the VIP World.

Only VIP members are allowed to access this exclusive World.

I've heard rumors though that within that World, you can fly...

"Are you ready to enter the VIP World?" - Blix


Blox is your very own welcome committee. He is eager to meet you and help you get settled!

He awaits your arrival in the VIP World where he offers you some helpful hints.

Try to jump up into the sky. I dare you!

"I never get tired of seeing you fly :D" - Blix



With Blix & Blox you can:

  • Teleport to the VIP World
  • Buy VIP
  • Access VIP Features
  • Teleport back to the Nexus

Visit Blix & Blox other friends!

💬 Rita Blasta
💬 Dex Mcfly
💬 Penny Pandora
💬 Blockbjorn


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