Who is Dex McFly?

"There you are!" - Dex Mcfly

 Have you met Dex Mcfly?


Of course you have!
Dex is a BlockStar that you meet when you first create your very own BlockStar!

You are in good hands with Dex as this cool BlockStar shows you how to navigate your controls and how to get about!

He is the first one to welcome you to the Nexus.

Isn't he the bees knees? Do bees have knees?

Visit Dex McFly's other friends!

💬 Blix & Blox
💬 Penny Pandora
💬 Blockbjorn
💬 Rita Blasta

bsp_shortcut_icon.png Tip: Visit Dex Mcfly and get quests!

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