How to appeal a permanent ban

Ban appeals are evaluated on an individual basis and solely at the discretion of MovieStarPlanet staff.


If you wish to appeal a permanent ban you must contact us via e-mail.


Please include the following:

  • A receipt from your most recent VIP/TopUp purchase - this allows us to confirm you are the rightful owner of the account.
  • A confirmation that you have read and will follow the rules.
  • Any additional information about your lock you believe to be relevant for the appeal.

Once we've received the information, a staff member will get back to you with an update.

We can never guarantee the account will be reopened. 


If your appeal is granted:

The account will be reopened and you can log in again once you receive the confirmation email a member of our staff.


If your appeal is rejected:

The account will remain locked/inactive, and repeat emails containing appeals for the same ban may not be reviewed.

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